#js30.07 Array Cardio 2

This installment of Wes Bos’ Javascript30 course demonstrates several morearray methods, e.g., Array.prototype.some(), Array.prototype.every(), Array.prototype.find() & Array.prototype.findIndex() …

Array.prototype.some(); checks if at least one element of the Array meets the condition
Array.prototype.every(); checks if every element of the Array meets the condition
Array.prototype.find(); similar to .filter() but returns just one el of Array
Array.prototype.findIndex(); returns index

// e.g.:
const band = [
	{ name: 'Herbie', instrument: "piano" },
	{ name: 'Wayne', instrument: "tenor sax" },
	{ name: 'Freddie', instrument: "trumpet" },
	{ name: 'Ron', instrument: "bass" },
	{ name: 'Tony', instrument: "drums" }

const drummer = band.find(musician => musician.instrument === "drums");
console.log(drummer); // Object { name="Tony",  instrument="drums"}

const drummerIx = band.findIndex(musician => musician.instrument === "drums");
console.log(drummerIx); // 4

const instr = band.find(musician => musician.name === "Herbie");
console.log(instr); // Object { name="Herbie",  instrument="piano"}

const instrIx = band.findIndex(musician => musician.name === "Wayne");
console.log(instrIx); // 1